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A1—Getting started

Due 2024-01-23, 11:59pm Eastern 8pts

This first assignment is split into several parts, detailed below. Please make sure you read each of them closely and follow the instructions.

Please post any questions about this assignment on Slack. You can join using this invite link for Spring 2024.

Warning: This is an individual assignment.

Table of contents

Change log

  • N/A.

Part 1—Read the syllabus and initial schedule

Aim of the assignment

At the beginning of the semester we would like you to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and schedule of the course.
  • Help identify any possible sources of confusion, unfairness, or difficulties for the instructor to clarify.
  • Familiarize yourself with Slack, which we will use for Q&A.


  1. Read the course syllabus / homepage and course schedule. As you are doing so, jot down any notes you have about points of confusion, any policy that seems unfair, and any policy you might have difficulty adhering to.
  2. If you have any questions, first see if anyone else has discussed it on Slack in #general. You can add response emojis or add your own threaded reply to the existing comment. If no one has discussed your point yet, make your own top-level message listing any questions you have. You are welcome to read and reply to other student’s questions too.
  3. If you have no questions, post I have read the syllabus and have no questions.

Grading rubric

Criteria Points
You followed the instructions. 4

Part 2—Introduce yourself

Aim of the assignment

In this class can be pretty flexible in terms of what material to cover. I want to make it relevant and meaningful for you! I also want to ensure you have the preparation you need for your course projects. By introducing yourself, you help shape the course and provide an introduction to your fellow students that you can use later to form project groups.


Please introduce yourself with the following items:

  1. Your background
  2. Research interests
  3. Why you’re taking this course.
  4. Any visualization experience
  5. Your programming experience related to visualization (e.g., D3, Plotly, Altair, Matplotlib)
  6. Your web development experience, including JS, HTML, CSS, browser debugging tools, server-side work Other programming experience

Grading rubric

Criteria Points
You followed the instructions. 4

© 2023 Cody Dunne. Released under the CC BY-SA license.