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A3—Tool Presentation

Due 2024-03-14, 11:59pm Eastern 24pts

Please follow the instructions below and post any questions about this assignment on Slack.

Warning: This is an individual assignment.

Table of contents

Change log

  • N/A.

Aim of the assignment

Demonstrate for the class a generally-useful tool for network visualization. This will help you, and the rest of the class, gain experience with the variety of tools available to you for your work and preliminary project ideation.


  1. Select a network visualization tool to present about. You can pick from any on this list or propose something else entirely to the instructor. This will be done in class 2024-02-29.

    • Network Exploration
      • Gephi, network visualization software, general
      • NodeXL, network visualization software embedded in Excel with data scrapers (Windows/VM only) (Instructor presented)
      • Tulip, network visualization, analysis, and research tool
      • Cytoscape, network visualization software for mainly biologic data
      • yEd Graph Editor, proprietary network visualization software
      • Visone, network visualization and analysis tool
      • Network Workbench
    • Network Tools
      • NetworkX, network analysis package for Python
      • VivaGraphJS, fast network visualization in the web
      • igraph, network analysis tools (Python, C++)
      • Graphviz, command-line network visualization software
      • reorder.js, web-based adjacency matrix reordering (Observable)
      • Vistorian, web-based visualization of dynamic and multivariate networks
      • Palladio, web-based tool for historians
      • nodegoat, web-based tool for humanities
      • graph-tool, network analysis and visualization software for Python
      • webweb, network visualization tool joining Matlab and d3
      • MuxViz, multilayer analysis and visualization platform in R
      • Turi Create, proprietary scalable tools
      • UCINET, proprietary network analysis tool for social network data
      • Pajek, older social network analysis tool
  2. Plan your tutorial. Prepare a script and any slides or other materials for your tutorial. Your tutorial should:

    • Be 30 minutes long, including questions. Shoot for 20 minutes of content.
    • Highlight significant insights or findings in a network datataset.
    • Highlight key features of the tool, in the context of the topics we discuss in this course.
    • Highlight usability problems or limitations of the tool.
  3. Present the tutorial in class on Thursday 2024-03-14.

Submission instructions

N/A. The instructor will create Gradescope submissions for you.

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