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P2—Project presentation and paper

Due 2024-04-18, 11:59pm Eastern 80pts

Follow all the instructions below. Please post any questions about this assignment on Slack.

Table of contents

Change log

  • N/A.

Aim of the assignment

This is the big assignment of the course. The aim of this assignment is to have a polished final presentation and report that wraps up everything you have been working on throughout the semester. We want to make sure that everything is ready and you have something done that you can be proud of—to add to your portfolio or even to publish! Your project should be an academic=level contribution suitable for a workshop submission


Please see what the Instructor is expecting for projects in P1—Project Pitch. It includes examples of how to write an academic article of the appropriate scale. You have received project feedback from the Instructor. Use this as much as you can to improve your work.


Do anything necessary to finalize your code, visualization, study design, paper, etc.

1. Supplemental material

For any source code, please make sure that:

  • It is in a repo that is readable by Prof. Dunne ([]cody on the Khoury internal GitHub instance]( or codydunne on GitHub cloud). If you need a private repo created on GitHub cloud, email Prof. Dunne.
  • All data scraping / munging / analysis code is uploaded to the repo.
  • Any backend server code is uploaded to the repo.
  • Your is updated with any relevant details particular to how to run and use your project code and any supplemental code you added.
  • Your repo is up-to-date, clean, and well-organized.

For any study materials, please ensure:

  • All stimuli, analysis code, preregistration documents, sample data, etc. is available on GitHub (see above) or a private OSF folder.

2. Present

Prepare a presentation that should be 30 minutes in duration with an extra 15 minutes allowed at the end for Q&A. It should cover the key contributions of your work in enough detail that your audience understands what you have done. Pay particular attention to the guidelines below for what will go in your paper sections—that same content should appear in your presentation (time permitting). You will present for the class on 2024-04-16 or 2024-04-18 depending on a random ordering. Additional feedback will be provided by the instructional staff afterwards in writing.

3. Write

Based on all the work you did up to this point, write a PDF that it is a final, polished report of your project.

Template + requirements

  • Use the VGTC conference template.
  • Use a reasonable title and include all group members at the top.
  • Ensure all your references have hyperlinked DOIs that are clickable.
    For the LaTeX template, you can do this by ensuring the DOI is in the BibTeX and at the end of template.tex comment this line


    and uncomment this one:

  • You are limited to but not expected to fill 3 pages of content. You can have unlimited additional pages for:
    • the references (just the reference list, not the Related Work section) and
    • images (not just of text ☺).

Your final PDF must be maximum 4 pages long, excluding the references and any appendices. We won’t be grading the appendices and any content over the 4 page limit won’t be graded. The 4 pages should stand independently. But extra material in the appendices is nice so everything is in one place in case you want to use it in the future or submit the paper for publication.


The content of your paper is flexible depending on the type of project you’re doing. Look at the structure from your pre-paper talk and the structure the instructor suggested for two types of projects. You can also use as examples previous instances of that paper type at VIS.

There are a few key sections, and here is guidance about each of them:


 A summary of the content of the paper touching on the main subject, what your project is, and what are your findings. Make sure you have your project your GitHub Repo or OSF URL hyperlinked at the end of the abstract.


A clear focus, and a developed explanation of the problem, and a reasonable response is proposed. The introduction must clearly state what is the contribution of the project. Link to any supplemental material, i.e., any GitHub repo, demo video, slides, OSF folder.

Go through your related work section and update them reflecting on the final state of the project. Add related work as necessary, focusing on visualization publications.
Also include: how is your project related to the previous work? What gaps does it fill? Is there anything improved over the related work?


This section discusses the findings that your project allowed you to have, the lessons learned and the takeaways. Can include limitations and future work.


Includes a short summary of work completed and areas for improvement/future-work. Meaningfully wraps up project and has good future directions.


Acknowledge any contributions from people outside class. Also, clearly credit who did what for the project.


The references.


Please keep at the end any other materials you want to add. You may draw material from the previous body of the paper to store here if you have to trim down to 4 pages.

Submission Instructions

Present on your assigned day and submit your PDF of your paper to the assignment P2—Project presentation and paper on Gradescope. See the Gradescope documentation on submitting a PDF for more details.

© 2023 Cody Dunne. Released under the CC BY-SA license.